One of those who witnessed Foster's handiwork at close range was the defender Danny Shittu and his praise was equally unstinting.
Killing them at close range will of course result in acid splashback, and they will burn the environment with their ichor as well.
Others are shot at close range, gassed or drowned.
She was killed at close range with six gun shots.
He was shot at close range on a public street in broad daylight.
Had there been crossfire at close range, some Israeli soldier would have been shot.
就在近距离交火中, 一些以色列士兵可能被击中。
A young man shot a Russian military commander at close range in an enlistment office Monday.
The details have been awful and heart-rending. I mean, he shot some victims at close range.
Davis was shot in the head at close range by a fellow classmate on December 13th.
One showed security forces shooting a person at close range, while others showed protesters being chased and beaten.
The man suspected of shooting the officers at close range is Scott Michael Greene, a 46-year-old from suburban Des Moines.
Whisper into each other's mouth at close range?
590A1, a 9-round, 12-gauge shotgun that is absolutely deadly at close range.
590A1, 一把 9 发 12 口径的霰弹枪, 在近距离内绝对致命。
My purpose was only to admire at close range but he resented my attention.
我的目的只是近距离欣赏, 但讨厌我的关注。
Deliberately Malbihn put two more bullets into his friend's body at close range.
Soon the police arrived at close range and stopped within range.
I have seen them at close range... which hasn't much improved my opinion of them.
我近距离接触过们… … 这并没有让我对们的看法有多大的改变。
" I ask permission to scrutinize the prisoner at closer range. There is some mystery about him that I must solve" .
“我请求允许近距离检查囚犯。我必须解开关于的一些谜团” 。
So glorious a display of pure wildness, acting at close range while cut off from all the world beside, is terribly impressive.
如此光荣的纯粹野性展示, 近距离行动, 同时与周围的所有世界隔绝, 令人印象深刻。
She was as frightened as I at the prospect, and we had reason to be gazing at close range at the gleaming teeth and dog-like mouths.
An assassin in Unter den Linden had fired one shot at him and was about to fire a second, this time at closer range.
菩提树下大街的一名刺客向开了一枪, 正准备再开一枪, 这次距离更近了。
The US military's preferred close-quarters weapon, from the 1980 till today, is the Mossberg 590A1, a 9-round, 12-gauge shotgun that is absolutely deadly at close range.
从 1980 年到今天, 美军首选的近距离武器是 Mossberg 590A1,这是一种 9 发 12 口径的霰弹枪, 在近距离内绝对致命。